martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

PREVENCIÓN DEL HERPES LABIAL | Remedios caseros para el herpes labial

Evite el contacto directo con lesiones por herpes labial. Minimice el riesgo de diseminación indirecta lavando completamente objetos como
toallas en agua caliente (preferiblemente hervida) antes de reutilizarlos. No comparta artículos con personas infectadas, especialmente cuando tienen lesiones por herpes. Evite los desencadenantes (especialmente la exposición al sol) si usted es propenso al herpes oral.
Evite el sexo oral cuando tenga lesiones herpéticas activas en o cerca de la boca y evite igualmente que alguien que tenga lesiones herpéticas orales o genitales le practique a usted sexo oral. Los condones pueden ayudar a reducir, aunque no eliminar del todo, el riesgo de contraer el herpes a causa del sexo oral o genital con una persona infectada.
Tanto los virus del herpes oral como los del herpes genital algunas veces se pueden transmitir incluso cuando la persona no tiene lesiones activas.

1 comentario:

  1. Life has not been so easy for me, i almost gave up on getting cured of HSV2 because i have tried many treatment and still don't work for me, so i was going place to place just for me to search for herbs cure or any solution to my problem and i also have three kids to take care of, that same period my husband die in an accident on it way coming home so life was very tough for me, so when i was going through the herbs site to find a cure for my problem i saw a story about a lady testify about DR.Imoudu, so i said to my self let me give a try to see if my problem can be solved, because i have spend alot of money In the hospital and their was no cure for it, so i contacted DR.Imoudu that afternoon of it and he gave me instruction how i will go about it and he sent me a herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed me to do. After taking the medicine for two weeks i saw a changes on my body, then i called the Dr and told him about it and he said i should go for test. i can't believe when my result came out it was negative, i was very happy to share this great testimony to the world there is real cure for #herpes you can also contact DR.Imoudu Email: DR.IMOUDUHEALERTEMPLE@GMAIL. COM also WhatsApp him +2348109609753..
    He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases;
