Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Inglés. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Inglés. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

Placing our own icon in the address bar and favorites

A quite aesthetic detail is to place the icon of our logo in the bar of directions while the user sails in our page, that aparesca in the eyelash of our page (firefox) and that this icon is recorded when they add us to his favorites (IE) or his bookmarks (firefox). 
The form to have ours is quite simple and as much works for pages Web as blogs.
  1. It creates an image with your logo of wide length and the equal ones, for example 100×100 pixels in GIF or JPEG. So far the size is not important. This it you can make any program of edition of images, for example: Photoshop.
  2. The following thing is to turn your image icon (.ico extension) of 16×16 or 32×32 pixels, for this we have two options: - To turn it mendiante a page Web.
    - To turn it with a program.
    In softonic you can find some programs and one of the pages that you can use to do it directly
  3. Already with your icon, renombralo to “local favicon.ico” and subelo to host. For the case of Blog you can raise it hosting gratuitous like Geocities.
  4. Now we do the call to the icon from the code of our page, placing between the labels <head> and </head> the following thing:

<-- Code of the Icon -->
<" favicon.ico " Link href= type= " image/x-icon " rel= " shortcut icon "/>
If your image this in your host local does not change the route in “href=” by yours. For example, for blog that uses hosting gratuitous of Geocities it can be as it follows:

    <-- Code of the Icon -->
    <Link href= " " type= " image/x-icon " rel= " shortcut icon "/>
And of this way already you have the icon in your Web.